Reformulation Overview
Reformulation is the process of re-creating a material (i.e. adhesive, coating, polymer) using the same or similar materials used in the original formula. This process can also be called "reverse engineering". Understanding the components of a formula is normally done through a deformulation process. Some reformulation may also be done through information provided in patent documents, or literature such as safety data sheets, product data sheets, etc.
The goal of the reformulation process is to prove that the new reformulated material is the substantially the same in composition and/or function as the original material. At National Polymer, we do this by using the accumulated data obtained via the deformulation process as well as other related sources, and combining it with our deep knowledge and extensive experience of formulation chemistry, polymer synthesis, and the like, to create a working prototype or sample. From there, comparative testing and verification can be performed to ensure that the resulting formulation matches the original item which was deformulated.
Reformulation Confirms the Accuracy Deformulation
When deformulating or reverse engineering a product or material, if reformulation was not part of the end-to-end process, the final result of may not be completely accurate. Reformulation confirms the validity of the deformulation. Even in cases where the only goal of deformulation is to know the items which are compounded to create something, as in cases of patent infringement or trade secret litigation, reformulation is a critical step in verifying that all the elements in their proper ratios were properly identified in the deformulation process.
Deformulation + Reformulation = Verified Reverse Engineering
National Polymer has extensive reverse engineering experience and one of the few polymer experts that offer both deformulation and then the resulting reformulation services. To learn more about how we can help you with your particular wants and needs, send us a message via the "Let's Collaborate" form to the right, or call us at (800) 679-0477. We look forward to learning about your project and helping you meet and exceed your goals.

Coupled with deformulation, reformulation is the second part of the process (aka reverse engineering) that helps verify that the deformulation process was correct and accurate. To reverse engineer something without the process of reengineering it via reformulation, is only doing half the work. The deformulation process needs to be verified, tested and approved via reformulation before any sort of pilot projects and scale up to production can begin.
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